Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Meeting Minutes - July 19, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 19, 2022


  1. The author of the book upon which Maria based her speech is How to Say Anything to Anyone by Shari Harley

  2. Kelly completed level 2 in Presentation Mastery.

  3. Our club achieved President’s Distinguished Achievement with TI.

  4. Please like our Facebook page. Thank you, Kelly.

  5. Please subscribe to our shiny new YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfPwa8ZZ3z0q1cxmh5XnfYAThank you, Kelly.

  6. Please send Kelly a speech or two (plus evaluation, if you have it) to post on the YouTube channel. She can edit the start and end of the speech for a cleaner look.

  7. Check out the new look of our website. Thank you, Kelly.

Our Toastmaster was Jean, but her computer went down. Nancy served in that role with the theme. Moles

Our Sergeant at Arms and Zoom Host Barb called our meeting to order.

Our President Pro Tem, Nancy opened our meeting.

Our Gate Team was: 

Grammarian Amy 

Word of the day was Delve

Ah Counter – Kelly stepped in for Nitin 

Timer - Dan

General Evaluator – Kelly stepped in for Nancy who was also secretary

Our Speakers was Maria with Say Anything. 

Our Evaluator was Warren

Our Table Topics Master was Meera with Toastmaster and Mole Topics.

Our Table Topic Speakers were Nancy, Kelly, Nitin and Barb.

Members in Attendance were Barb, Nancy, Amy, Dan, Kelly, Robert, Maria, and Meera. 

Motion to Adjourn: Warren   Second: Robert

Respectfully submitted by Nancy Carpenter on behalf of Secretary Lynn Connell.

Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2022

IN-PERSON Meeting @ Thorndike Room - McMenamins Anderson School


Announcements: We will be meeting at Thorndike Room - McMenamins Anderson School again on August 2nd, 2022. Our September In-Person meeting will be at Maria’s workplace in Bothell and hopefully the 1st Tuesday of each month thereafter, but we are still working out the details. Stay tuned for more information.


Our zoom host Barb, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Mara opened the meeting and provided the announcement. The roles for the next meeting sign-up sheet were passed around. Mara introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Kelly.  Our theme was "Good Vibrations". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Maria

Word of the day - Vibration 

Kelly, Jim, Warren, and Nitin used the Word of The Day

Ah Counter - Nitin

Timer - Maria

General Evaluator - Jim


Our 1st speaker today was JeanHer speech is entitled “What is Mentoring?”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Level 1 (10-12 mins)


Our 2nd speaker today was Mara. Her speech is entitled “Brownies & Business Book Tour”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Level 4, Public Relations Strategies (5-7 mins)


Our Evaluators were Lynn C. (evaluating Jean) and Giri (evaluating Mara)


Our Table Topic Master was Warren


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Giri, Lynn C, and Nitin all shared stories relating to in some way to our theme Good Vibration.


Members in Attendance were Lynn C, Jean, Mara, Warren, Barb, Nitin, Kelly, JinXin, Maria, and Jim


Guest(s) in Attendance: Giri (past member)


Motion to Adjourn Jim.

Warren (seconded) 



Lynn Connell



Meeting Minutes - June 28th, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2022


Announcements:  Please WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBER NITIN! Protege/Mentor/Club Pledge was done with Nancy being Nitin’s mentor.


Reminder: Our In-Person meeting for July will be on 7/12 at McMenamins Anderson School in the Thorndike Community Room from 12 noon to 1 PM. Please come early to accommodate for parking.



  • Mara Williams as our new Club President

  • Nancy Carpenter remains as our VP of Education 

  • Lynne Dauenhauer as our new VP of Membership

  • Kelly Fallucca as our new VP of Public Relations 

  • Lynn Connell as our new Secretary

  • Nguyet Ly as our new Club Treasurer

  • Barb Katz as our new Sergeant at Arms


Our co-zoom host Barb, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Lynn opened the meeting. Our VPE Nancy reviewed roles for the next meeting and introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Jean.  Our theme was "Hummingbirds". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Lynne

Word of the day - Feisty  

Lynn, Maria, Robert, Jean, Warren, Kelly, Jim, and Nancy used the Word of The Day

Ah Counter - Dan

Timer - Robert

General Evaluator - Warren


Our 1st speaker today was NancyHer speech is entitled “Eli the Lion”. She is working on her Engaging Humor Pathway, Level 1. (5-7 mins)


Our 2nd speaker today was Maria. Her speech is entitled “Leadership is a Choice”. She is working on her Dynamic Leadership Pathway, Level 2 (5-7 mins)


Our Evaluators were Kelly (evaluating Nancy) and Jim (evaluating Maria)


Our Table Topic Master was Mara


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Lynn C, Nitin, and Jessica all shared stories relating to in some way to our theme Hummingbird.


Members in Attendance were Nancy, Lynn, Jean, Mara, Warren, Lynne, Barb, Nitin, Kelly, Jessica, Maria, Jim, Dan, and Robert


Guest(s) in Attendance: No guest today




Motion to Adjourn,


Temp Secretary, 

Lynn Connell covering for Barb



Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Meeting Minutes - 7/5/2022


Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

July 5, 2022



Our next meeting, July 12th, will be in person at McMenamins in Bothell.


Our Toastmaster was Nancy. Our meeting theme was Independence Day


Our Sergeant at Arms, Barb, called our meeting to order.


Our President Pro Tem, Nancy, opened our meeting.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian Dan

Word of the day was Commemorate

Ah Counter – Nitin

Timer - Warren

General Evaluator Maria


Our Speaker was Jim with his speech Toastmaster Journey. His goal was to have the audience feel as though his speech was part of a one-on-one conversation.


Our Evaluator was Robert


Our Table Topics Master was Jean with questions inspired by our nation’s founding fathers.


Our Table Topic Speakers were Warren (warning of danger), Maria (an independent moment), Kristen (risk of signing your name), Nitin (cold and snow), Amy (leadership role), VJ (favorite drink) and Robert (taxes).


Members in Attendance were Amy, Kelly, Barb, Nancy, Dan Nitin, Warren, Maria, Jean, and Jim


Guests in Attendance VJ


Motion to Adjourn: Jim    Second: Robert


Submitted by Nancy Carpenter on behalf of Secretary Lynn Connell