Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Meeting Minutes - December 20th, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes


Announcement: We got the approval from all the members that attended today with their hands raised for our upcoming officers starting January 2023.

Mara - President

Nancy - VP Education

Lynne - VP Membership

Kelly - VP Public Relations

Marcus - Secretary

Nguyet - Treasurer

Barb - Sergeant-at-Arms

Our Sergent at Arms and zoom host Barb, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting was recorded. 

Our President Mara opened the meeting. Our VPE Nancy reviewed roles for the next meeting, provided us with the Learning Minute, and introduced the Toastmaster.

Our Learning Minute from Nancy

Tips for Toasting:

  1. Get their attention: tap your glass with a fork or stand up

  2. Seize the right moment: read the room

  3. Introduce yourself briefly

  4. Mean what you say

  5. Toast, don’t roast: Stay positive

  6. Stick to a single theme: Keep it simple

  7. Raise your glass

  8. End with a call to action: “To the coming year” “Cheers to our hosts”


Our Toastmaster was Kelly. Our theme was "Winter Wonderland Holiday Party - Wonderment". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Lynne

Word of the day - Marvel

Mara, Lynne, Lynn, Maria, Lakeyta, Nitin, Leya, Julie, Marjorie, Kelly, and Nancy used the Word of The Day

Ah Counter - Lynn

Timer - Maria

General Evaluator - Dan


Our Speaker today was Nancy. Her speech is entitled “Leadership? Really?” 

(6-8 mins)


Our Evaluators were Barb (evaluating Nancy)


Our Table Topic Master was Nitin


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Leya, Laketa, Lynn, Arthur, Dan, Julie, Robert, and Marjorie all shared stories relating to our theme of the day.

Members in Attendance were Lynne, Lynn, Mara, Nancy, Julie, Kelly, Barb, Maria, Dan, Leya, Amy, Anna, Nitin, Marcus, Robert, and Art


Guest(s) in Attendance was Marjorie (returning guest and will be a member in January!  YAY!


Motion to Adjourn: Jim  Second: Robert




Lynn Connell


Meeting Minutes. - December 13, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2022


  1. Kelly has completed level 4 in the Presentation Mastery Path.

  2. Victor has now officially joined us. He was inducted today. Kelly is his mentor.

  3. There is no meeting on December 27th

Our Toastmaster was Nancy with the theme, Unicorns 

Our Sergeant at Arms Lynne called our meeting to order.

Our President Mara opened our meeting.

Our Education Minute End of Year Party Communication: https://www.toastmasters.org/Leadership-Central/featured-article?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=&utm_content=Happy%20Holiday%20Talk%21&utm_campaign=  

Our Gate Team was: 

Grammarian Lakita

Word of the day was Imaginary

Ah Counter – Marcus 

Timer - Dan

General Evaluator – Victor

Our speakers were Nitin with “Telephone in a Middle-Class Family” and Mara with “Kindness and Gratitude – Part II”.

Our Evaluators were Leya and Warren, respectively.

Our Table Topics Master was Kelly with the theme of whacky reporting.

Our Table Topic Speakers were Tom J. (Unicorn), Amy, Natalie (Unicorn), Margaret (Unicorn), and Amy Z (Unicorn)

Members in Attendance were Nancy, Mara, Victor, Dan, Marcus, Lakita, Kelly, Nitin, Warren, Leya, Maria, Jim, Jean, Amy, and Robert

Guest in Attendance Marjorie (local) and Unicorn Tribe Members: Amy W, Sandy, Natalie, Margaret, Tom, Amy Z, and Hiroko (a unicorn calling in from Japan)

Motion to Adjourn:  Jim Second: Robert

Created by Nancy Carpenter on behalf of Secretary Lynn Connell.

Officers' Meeting - December 13, 2022

                                                        Public Speaking Northwest

Officer Meeting Minutes

December 13, 2022

Secretary: Maria and Marcus will be contacted by Mara to see if they will be our secretary.

Wire transfers were from PayPal to US bank…more than 6 have a $24 fee

Victor has been reinstated on TI

Lynne, VPM

New Members:

Victor Nevarez has joined!! This brings our total count to six new members; Leya, Art, Anna, Marcus, Lakita, and Victor!!

Prospective members:  

1.  Deanne Schroeder:  Deanne was Laktia's guest at our  December 6th meeting.  Deanna was a Toastmaster 30 years ago and seems interested in joining.  She will come to our January 3rd in-person meeting.

2.  Sandy Fox: Jean has invited Sandy to several meetings, but she has not yet attended.  Will stay in contact with Sandy.

3.  Marjorie Elliott:  Has said she would like to join beginning 2023, due to schedule conflicts in December.  I continue to send her reminders about the meetings.   

TI Inquiries:

 Karlo Reyes plans to come to our meeting on January 3rd.

Birachchi Padhi has our club information. I will send meeting reminders.   

Amy Woidtke RSVP'd for our 12/13 meeting.  Sent her the link and agenda.  She knows Julie Hutton.


In the new year, I will reach out to those who have inquired but have not responded or attended to see if they still have an interest in our club.

Nguyet, Treasurer

The current balance is $1,459.20

For November, we received:

One membership renewal from Nguyet Ly - Paid until Sep 30, 2023 (+$57). 

Two membership payments from Lillian Butler and Victor Nevarez (+$129.7)

We spent:

-$156.62 membership payment to Toastmasters International

-$50 for meeting room rental payment (Dec 2022 and Jan 2023)

-$24 service charge. US bank charged this fee for 6+ wire transfers last month. 

-$12.95 business check printing

-$16.56 monthly Zoom payment

Kelly, VPPR

VPPR Webpage Update. As per my last “Members Email,” I created a webpage that links to videos, etc., for the VPPR updates. I am behind a week due to vacation.

RAID - I changed the graphic from the “Cookie Exchange,” to the “The Unicorn Tribe Raid” graphic on our website and the Facebook event page. I did not post on LinkedIn this time.

New Meeting Location. Great job Mara and team for finalizing the location. Upon my return, I will update the address on Facebook and Google My Business.

20TH Anniversary. Mara proposed we celebrate our anniversary all year long. Attached, please find the preliminary logo. I will also update our Facebook and YouTube banners before January 1st.

“About Us” Page. I will use last year’s photos for the Officers unless you forward a new photo.

Mara agreed to shoot a new “Welcome’ video for 2023 highlighting our anniversary celebration.

I propose we announce the campaign on the live Jan 3rd meeting and then on the first Zoom meeting of January.

We can hold an actual anniversary celebration in May. Shall we do both the live meeting and Zoom? We can invite local press and District 2 to the live meeting in May?

Jan 3rd. In addition to announcing our anniversary campaign, I promote our guests in the Starburst.

Opening Documents. I spoke to Nancy, and I will update our opening Zoom documents.


I am sure I am missing some things to launch 2023 and our Anniversary Celebration. Please feel free to send me a list.

 I look forward to serving another term as VPPR and serving with you dynamic ladies!

Barb: SAA

I have made name badges for all our new members.

We have all the supplies that we need.

Our new meeting place is EXCELLENT!

Lynn: Secretary

I am looking for someone to take over the Secretary role for the next term.  If there is someone you think might be interested, please let me know.

Nancy, VPE & Webmaster:

Webmaster: All is going well


VPE: Our DPR is attached. All is well. New folks all have mentors and are inducted. 

We need to have our election next week at our general membership meeting so I can get our officer list to TI on time.

Lynne Motion to Adjourn

Nancy Second

Created by Nancy Carpenter on behalf of Secretary Lynn Connell.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Meeting Minutes - November 29, 2022

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes

November 29, 2022


  1. Our December in-person meeting will be held at Woodcrest Estates Clubhouse

11808 NE 172nd St, Bothell, WA 98011

Our Toastmaster was Mara with the theme, Giving Tuesday 

Our Sergeant at Arms Barb called our meeting to order.

Our President Mara opened our meeting.

Our Education Minute Setting the stage from Toastmasters Magazine: Build a Great Speech. https://toastmasterscdn.azureedge.net/medias/files/department-documents/magazine/magazine-pdfs/2021-magazine-pdfs/magazine-november-2021-s.pdf

Our Gate Team was: 

Grammarian Barb

Word of the day was Inspiration

Ah Counter – Lynne 

Timer - Marcus

General Evaluator – Jim

Our speakers were Kelly with “Simply Social Sugar” and Dan with “Road Trip IX”.

Our Evaluators were Maria and Anna, respectively.

Our Table Topics Master was Robert with the theme of First Times.

Our Table Topic Speakers were Julie talking about her first time using a computer, Nitin spoke about his first time barefoot in the grass, and Victor talking about his first time using an ATM.

Members in Attendance were …Lynne, Julie, Dan, Jim, Kelly, Mara, Barb, Maria, Art, Robert, Leya, KATE, Anna, Lakita, Nitin, Marcus, Amy, and Jean.

Guest in Attendance Victor

Motion to Adjourn:  Jim Second: Robert

Created by Nancy Carpenter on behalf of Secretary Lynn Connell

Officers' Meeting Minutes - November 8, 2022

Officer Meeting Minutes


  1. We need to have our officer election by mid-December. Mara will check with Lynn to see if she wants to come back as secretary. The rest of the officers want to keep their roles.

  2. Holiday Schedule: 

    1. No Meeting on December 27th. Our last meeting of 2022 is Dec 20 and the first of 2023 is Jan 3.

    2. Dec 20th will be a winter or solstice-themed meeting

    3. Jan 24 White Elephant Party

    4. Dec 6 no holiday party…but maybe we can bring cookies to share

  3. Location: Lynn and Mara checked out a clubhouse in a very nice mobile home community in Bothell. Board meeting tonight at 7 pm.  There is parking. It is an attractive building and room. However, it is a residential neighborhood and there were concerns that it may not show us as professionals. In addition, the person who will host us has not joined yet and our ability to use the room is dependent upon her participation. If we are approved to use the clubhouse, we can hold our Dec 6th meeting there as a trial. 

  4. 2023 is our 20th anniversary. We use that all year in our PR graphics. Let’s have a party in spring.  

  5. Kelly is very clear about TI branding.

  6. Learning Minutes feedback: 

    1. A screen share would be more visible.

    2. Timing. Use longer LM’s when we have lots of time and shorter LM topics when little and refer to a link on packed meetings with guests. 

    3. Should learning minutes also be recorded so members can refer to them later?

  7. Nancy will update the Meeting Roles document to address evaluating the evaluators. (Done)

Nguyet – Treasurer Report

The current balance is $1,676.71

For October, we received:
- Two membership renewals from Jinxin Hu and Anna Vuu (+$114)
- 1 membership payment from Marcus Bircher(+$79)

In details:
- We received $193 from members
- PayPay charges $5.30 for all 3 transactions
- Total of $187.7 deposited

VP PR Report | November 2022


  • I am excited that our new members are allowing me to publish their speeches. I also love that Julie Hutton did a true "Toastmasters Testimonial." I would love to get more of these from our members and make those videos into their own playlist on our channel. Would any of you like to start the train rolling?

  • Our Channel Stats. 16 Subscribers. 49 videos uploaded. 64 views "Welcome" video. 39 views Jean's Founder video.



  • Holiday meetings.

    • I will be in Park City for the in-person meeting in December. I proposed to Mara our Holiday Zoom meeting be on December 13th for people who may be traveling the week of the 20th. I can take Toastmaster or Table Topics for the Zoom Holiday Meeting.

    • New Location. Once you have a location please forward and I will promote it.

  • December Member Spotlight

    • Any recommendations? Perhaps a new member? I recommend Dan or Meera for jumping all in.

  • Anniversary Celebration. Mara mentioned launching a campaign and celebrating all next year.

    • Anniversary logo. I can create something to add to all our posts.

    • Consider picking a date to promote an in-person and Zoom celebration.


Webmaster: All is good. Kelly is an artist. I love the pop of color and beautiful graphics at the top.



1. We are in the "Distinguished: portion of the DPR goals. See below and attached. 

2. Still encouraging Anna to choose a mentor so she can be inducted. 

3. What do you think of the Learning Minutes? Your feedback is welcome.

4. Club Calendar is below and attached. 

5. I am so happy that Caryn Axelrad is meeting with us next week to fill out the big report form rather than handing it off to us. Next week after the regular meeting.

Nancy moved to adjourn

Barb seconded

Created by Nancy Carpenter on behalf of Secretary Lynn Connell.