Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Jessica, Kate, Kristin,Lynn C., Lynne D., Mara, Nancy, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: Nguyet Ly and Nevin Kalaf


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


Our Toastmaster was Lynne D.


The meeting theme was: “A Summery Summary!”


The word of the day was “synopsis” or “vicariously”


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Kristin

Ah Counter – Kristin

Timer – Lynn C.

General Evaluator Nancy


Speaker #1 was Warren, “Do You Hear Me Now?”  Understanding Your Communication Style, Visionary Communication, Level 2, Project 2.  5-7 minutes


Evaluator #1 was Kate.


Our Table Topics Master was Mara.  Table Topics speakers were Kate with her giant sunflower showing its seeds. Nyet talked about joining her Buddhist church and volunteering. Barb discussed her summer reading.  Jessica described an outing with her two children to enjoy frozen custard in Kirkland. Robert described a street festival in West Seattle.  Nancy talked about places to visit in her Texas town, especially the restaurant Coopers, reputed to have the best barbecue in Texas.


Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Meeting Minutes - September 21, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - September 21, 2021


Announcements:  Please WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBER JESSICA to our club! She is not new to Toastmaster but is new to our club. We are ecstatic to have you Jessica be part of our fun and supportive family!


Our zoom host Lynne, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Lynn opened the meeting. Our VPE Nancy reviewed roles for the next meeting.  Lynn introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Kate.  Our theme was "Autumn Equinox". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Caryn

Word Of The Day - Equivocal  

(Robert, Jim, Kate, and Nancy used the Word Of The Day)

Ah Counter - Caryn

Timer - Robert

General Evaluator - Warren


Our 1st speaker today was MaraHer speech was entitled “Learn to Earn”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Pathway, Level 2. (5-7 mins)


Our 2nd speaker today was Jim. His speech was entitled “Keep Your Mouth Shut”. He is working on his Humor Pathway, Level 3 (8-10 mins)


Our Evaluators were Kristin (evaluating Mara) and Lynne (evaluating Jim)


Our Table Topic Master was Jean


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Jessica, Kate, and Nancy all shared stories trying to use both the word “Autumn Equinox” and “Equivocal” and start with “One day…”


Members in Attendance were Jim, Lynn, Lynne, Mara, Kate, Caryn, Nancy, Warren, Jessica, Jean, Kristin, Jinxin, and Robert


Guest(s) in Attendance: Nguyet (new), Nevin (returning guest), Arijit (returning guest)


Motion to Adjourn,


Covering for Secretary Barb, 

Lynn Connell



Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Caryn, Hannah, Kate, Kristin, Jean, Jim, Kelly, Lynn C., Lynne D., Mara, Nancy, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: Nevin Kalaf, Arijit Das, Jessica Smail


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


Our Toastmaster was Caryn


The meeting theme was: “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”


The word of the day was pinch-hit


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Lynne D.

Ah Counter – Jean

Timer – Barb

General Evaluator Mara


Speaker #1 was Kristin with, “Demonstration of Bellevue Essentials Website”

Innovative Planning path, Level 3, Using Presentation Software Elective,  5-7 minutes


Speaker #2 was Nancy with “An Introduction to Introductions”

Better Speaker Series: Creating an Introduction,  5-7 minutes


Evaluator #1 was Warren.

Evaluator #2 was Jim


Our Table Topics Master was Lynn C.  Table Topics speakers were Lynne D and Jessica


Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Meeting Minutes

September 7, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Caryn, Hannah, Kristin, Jean, Jim, Kelly, Lynn C., Lynne D., Mara, Nancy, Warren


Guests in Attendance: Subha Nair, Jessica Smail


Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne D, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn C.


Our Toastmaster was Lynn C.


The meeting theme was: Storytelling


The word of the day was Embellish


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Mara

Ah Counter – Mara

Timer – Barb

General Evaluator Jean


Our Speaker was Kelly with, “Ditch the Pitch – Personal Branding through Storytelling”

Presentation Mastery path, Level 1, Project 2, Evaluation and Feedback, 8-10 minutes


Kelly’s Evaluator was Jim.


Our Table Topics Master was Warren.  Table Topics speakers were Nancy, Jean, Kristin, Lynne D., Jessica


Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary


Officer Meeting Minutes


September 7, 2021


Meeting started approximately 1:00 p.m.


Members in Attendance: Jim, Barb, Nancy, Mara, Lynn C., Jinxin, Lynne D.


Minutes from the July meeting were approved.


Report from VPE Nancy: 

·      6 officers have been trained

·      Nancy reported several articles about hybrid meetings, including one in the most recent Toastmasters Magazine.


Report from VPM Kate:

·      Kate is still receiving inquiries about our club. 

·      Kate had several suggestions that sounded good from her training –

·       “a) Sending physical cards (via "snail-mail") of congrats and encouragement to members who reach milestones such as icebreaker

·       b) (This was not from the training, but the suggestion of sending cards reminded me of it) Here are two websites that I've been using for school:

·       c) Inviting past members to come back and judge a speech competition, or help as a mentor. Tap into their "expertise" as a way to engage them.

·       d) Inviting past members to summer/holiday parties”

·      We currently have 21 members, but expect that 4 of them will not renew, including Midori and Kameh.

·      We discussed several members that have not come to meetings lately (Giri, Hannah, Kristin, for example).  Their mentors will reach out to them.

·      Beginning next week, Kate will have more time to follow-up and “nudge” meeting non-attendees.


Report from Treasurer Jinxin:

·      Jinxin reported that we have a healthy balance in our checking account.

·      Five members have paid their dues so far.  Jinxin will send out another reminder to members.

·      Jinxin needs Barb to provide a letter to PayPal, explaining that she is now the Treasurer instead of Jim.


Report from VPPR Mara:

·      Mara suggested that we have an in-person event in the fall.  Various people expressed concern about increasing COVID infection rates.  We decided to have a special Storytelling (Zoom) event in October. 

·      Mara continues to look for new spaces for us to meet in-person. She said that finding a meeting space with the technical infrastructure to do hybrid meetings would be difficult.


Report from SSA Lynne:

·      Lynne expressed appreciation for Mara who substituted for Lynne while she was boating.

·      Lynne reported that IOS is hinting at some reluctance about letting us use our meeting space there.  The company is growing very quickly and all of our former contacts have left the company.  We discussed maybe using a different conference room in the building.  Lynne agreed to reach out to IOS again to clarify and explore options.

·      We still have heavy boxes of supplies stored at IOS. Jim and Mara offered to help Lynne with removing the boxes.

·      We discussed concerns about the technical capabilities of the IOS conference room with regard to hybrid meetings.

·      Lynne mentioned concerns about the technical difficulties with hybrid meetings and suggested that we need a “techie” member to help resolve them.

·      Lynne and Mara agreed to meet off-line to discuss issues regarding in-person meetings such as COVID safety concerns, technical issues about hybrid meetings, etc.



The meeting adjourned at 11:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Meeting Minutes

August 31, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters


Book recommended by Kelly: Set Your Voice Free, by Roger Love


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Jean, Jim, Kelly, Lynn, Mara, Nancy, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: N/A


Our Sergeant at Arms, Mara, opened our meeting at 12:00 p.m.


Opening Comments by our President, Lynn.


Our Toastmaster was Mara.


The meeting theme was: Let’s Get Organized


The word of the day was Lollygag


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Kelly

Ah Counter – Kelly

Timer – Lynn

General Evaluator Robert


Our Speaker was Warren with, “Five Rules of Winning Leadership”

Visionary Communication path, Level 1, Project 1 Understanding Your Management Style, 5-7 minutes


Warren’s Evaluator was Barb.


Our Table Topics Master was Nancy.  Table Topics speakers were Jean, Mara, Jim, Kelly, Lynn, Robert, Warren, Barb


Motion for Adjournment:  Jim   Second: Robert


Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary