Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Officers’ Meeting Minutes

July 6, 2021




Members in Attendance: Jim, Barb, Nancy, Mara, Lynn C.


Minutes from the June meeting were approved.


Report from VPE Nancy: 

·      We are President’s Distinguished

·      Sign up for Officer Training; note that only one session is available for each officer, but there are sessions on other topics that also apply.

·      TI has asked officers to sign a pledge, which will be kept by our Treasurer, Jinxin

·      Nancy suggested an induction ceremony for our three new members: Julie, Mercedes, and Caryn


Report from VPPR Mara

·      Mara continues to post frequently on FaceBook

·      Mara is working with Kate (VPM) to continue attracting new members so that we have at least 20 on June 30, 2022.

·      Mara is continuing to search for new locations for our on-site meetings

·      Kate suggested libraries and 3rd Place Books as possible locations


We discussed starting in person meetings and agreed to wait until at least until September.  We may use at least three members if Zoom meetings are not available.


Report from Treasurer:

·      Jim reported in place of Jinxin.  He has been trying to arrange the transfer of our checking account to the new treasurer.  However, the bank has been making unclear requests and demands.  For example, the bank says that we have to be registered with the Secretary of State, but TI does not agree. 

·      Jim and Jinxin will meet Wednesday 7/7/21 at the bank with the documentation that they think is required.

·      Barb agreed to help get the necessary documents from TI.


The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Katz, Secretary


Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2021


Announcements: Lynn reported on club gathering held at Cedar Grove Park on Saturday 7/24.


Members in Attendance (in alphabetical order): Barb, Caryn, Jean, Jim, Jinxin, Kristin, Lynn, Mara, Mercedes, Midori, Nancy, Robert, Warren


Guests in Attendance: Kelly Falluca


Our Toastmaster was Lynn


Our President Lynn, opened our meeting.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Jinxin

Word of the day was Exhilarate

Ah Counter – Jinxin

Timer – Nancy

General Evaluator Caryn


Our Speaker #1 was Mara with “Decisions, Decisions,” Engaging Humor pathway, Level 4, 15-20 minutes


Our Speaker #2 was “History of Basketball,” Innovative Planning pathway, Level 3, 5-7 minutes


Mara’s Evaluator was Jean

Kristin’s Evaluator was Jim


Our Table Topics Master was Warren, but we did not have table topics after all because of the length of the speeches


Table Topics Speakers:  n/a


Our Humorist was: n/a


Motion to Adjourn:     Nancy      Second:  Robert


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

 Meeting Minutes - 7/20/2021

Our Toastmaster was Mara


Our President Lynn, opened our meeting.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian – Nancy

Word of the day was Promulgate

Ah Counter – Caryn

Timer – Midori

General Evaluator Warren


Our Speaker #1 was Robert with “Let Me Have Your Attention,” Persuasive Influence path, Level 1, Ice Breaker



Our Evaluator #1 was Kristin


Our Table Topics Master was Barb with questions on childhood


Our Table Topic Speakers were Lynn, Mara, Nancy, Midori, Jinxin, Kristin, Warren, Hannah, Jean, Caryn


Our Humorist was: n/a


Motion to Adjourn:     Nancy      Second:  Mara

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Meeting Minutes of Public Speaking Northwest Toastmaster Club #9406

Announcements: Summer Picnic at the Tracy’s house, potluck, July 24, noon


We voted in and inducted three new or returned members, Caryn Axelrod, Julie Hutton, and Mecedes Schlaffer


Members in Attendance: Jim, Barb, Nancy, Warren, Midori, Mara, Julie, Robert, Kristin, Caryn, Mercedes, Jean


Guests in Attendance: Divya


Our Toastmaster was Barb with the theme, the Power of Perspective


Our President pro temp. Nancy, VPE, opened our meeting.


Our Gate Team was:

Grammarian - Caryn

Word of the day was Empathy

Ah Counter – Caryn

Timer – Kristin (first time ever)

General Evaluator Jim


Our Speaker #1 was Warren with “Be Selfish and Volunteer,” Visionary Communication Path, Project 2, Evaluation and Feedback


Our Speaker #2 was Nancy with “Selecting and Organizing Your Speech,” Presentation Mastery Path, Level 2, Mentoring


Our Evaluator #1 was Mara


Our Evaluator #2 was Robert


Our Table Topics Master was Midori with questions on perspective


Our Table Topic Speakers were Jim and Julie


Our Humorist was: n/a


Motion to Adjourn: Robert  Second: Mara

The meeting started at 12:00 p.m. and ended at 1:00 p.m. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Meeting Minutes - June 29, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - June 29, 2021


Announcements:  Please WELCOME OUR TWO NEW MEMBERS, MERCEDES AND CARYN. We now have 20 members, hitting all our club goals making our club President Distinguished. YAY!

Nancy’s, wonderful speech provided us with great information about Toastmasters and where to find things. Here are the links she provided in her speech.



Eval Forms



  • Lynn Connell as our new Club President

  • Nancy Carpenter remains as our VP of Education 

  • Kate Morris remains as our VP of Membership

  • Mara William remains as our VP of Public Relations 

  • Barb Katz as our new Secretary

  • Jinxin Hu as our new Club Treasurer

  • Lynne Dauenhauer remains as our Sergeant at Arms


Our co-zoom host Mara, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Barb opened the meeting. Our VPE Nancy reviewed roles for the next meeting.  Barb introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Barb.  Our theme was "Beat The Heat!". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Lynne

Word of the day - Mitigate  

Ah Counter - Lynne

Timer - Robert

General Evaluator - Kate


Our 1st speaker today was LynnHer speech is entitled “What Language Do You Speak?”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Pathway. Evaluation and Feedback, Level 1. (5-7 mins)


Our 2nd speaker today was Nancy. Her speech is entitled “Pathways Signs & Shortcut”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Pathway. Researching and Presenting. (5-7 mins)


Our Evaluators were Warren (evaluating Lynn) and Jean (evaluating Nancy)


Our Table Topic Master was Jean


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Kristin, Lynne, and Mara all shared stories relating to our theme Heat.


Members in Attendance were Nancy, Lynn, Jean, Mara, Warren, Kate, Midori, Kristin, Lynne, Barb, Mercedes, and Robert


Guest(s) in Attendance: No guest today


Motion to Adjourn,



Lynn Connell



Meeting Minutes - June 22, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - June 22, 2021


Announcements:  Mara and Lynne are looking for an alternative space for when we go live. The place we had is now only available for us on Monday. If anyone knows of spaces, please reach out to Mara.

Jim (Treasurer) will keep us posted on how his other club does with doing a combo of both live and zoom.

Kate (VPM) is trying her best to reach 20 members by end of June.


Our co-zoom host Mara, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded. 


Our President Barb opened the meeting. Our VPE Nancy reviewed roles for the next meeting.  Barb introduced the Toastmaster.


Our Toastmaster was Robert.  Our theme was "This Too Will Pass". 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Nancy

Word of the day - Ephemeral  

Ah Counter - Nancy

Timer - Warren

General Evaluator - Kristin


We had a guest speaker, David Hablewitz. His speech is entitled “Toastmaster 101: 20 Things You Forgot About When Giving a Speech to a Live Audience”


Our Evaluator was Jean (evaluating David)


Our Table Topic Master was Kate


Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Mara, answering what is her favorite season. Julie, answering describe yourself in 3 words for someone that have never met you. Mercedes, answering what her favorite way to keep in touch with people. And Lynne, answering who she is most excited to see again.


Members in Attendance were Lynn, Lynne, Mara, Nancy, Warren, Jim, Jean, Midori, Robert, Barb, Kate, Kristin, Julie, and JinXin


Guest(s) in Attendance: Marty (returning), David (guest speaker)


Motion to Adjourn,



Lynn Connell