Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2021
Announcements: Next week we will have a Guest Speaker, David H., talking about The 20 Things You Forgot About Meeting In-Person.
Lynne reminds us that the existing zoom link we’ve been using will expire at the end of June. On our last meeting, June 29th, Lynne will provide us the new zoom link.
Jean and Jim, so wonderfully volunteered to host the Summer Gathering Potluck at their home on Saturday, July 24th, 2021 at noon. Everyone and their family are welcome! Thanks, Jean and Jim!
Lynn Connell was voted in as Club President, succeeding Barbara Katz
Nancy Carpenter was voted in to remain VP Education
Kate Morris was voted in to remain VP Membership
Mara William was voted in to remain VP Public Relations
Barb Katz was voted in as Secretary, succeeding Lynn Connell
Jinxin Hu was voted in as Club Treasurer, succeeding James Tracy
Lynne Dauenhauer was voted in to remain Sergeant at Arms
Our co-zoom host Mara, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement, flag salute, and reminded members and guests that the speech and evaluation part of our meeting are recorded.
Our President Barb opened the meeting. Mara reviewed roles for the next meeting due to Nancy having internet issues. Barb introduced the Toastmaster.
Our Toastmaster was Lynn. Our theme was "I AM __(fill in the blank)__!".
Our GATE Team was:
Grammarian - Kristin
Word of the day - Vicariously
Ah Counter - Kristin
Timer - Midori
General Evaluator - Warren
Our 1st speaker today was Jean. Her speech is entitled “Hunting for the Good”. She is working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Understanding Her Communication Style, Level 3
(5-7 mins)
Our 2nd speaker Giri had a Wifi issue and could not join us today.
Our Evaluator was Nancy (evaluating Jean)
Our Table Topic Master was Mara
Our Table Topic Speakers were:
Warren, Julie, Nancy, Barb, Jim, Midori, and Marty all shared stories relating to the roles they play as a Grandfather, a Great Grandmother, a Physical and Spiritual Healer, a Friend, a Barber, a Mother, and a Brother/Brother-in-Law.
Members in Attendance were Lynne, Lynn, Mara, Warren, Barb, Jean, Jim, Midori, Nancy, Kristin, Julie, and Robert
Guest(s) in Attendance: Marty Mackenzie (Barb’s brother returned)
Motion to Adjourn,
Lynn Connell