Monday, February 22, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Meeting Minutes - February 16, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - February 16, 2021

Announcement: Our Treasurer Jim reminded members that dues are coming up.  If we decide to pay via Paypal, there will be NO FEE CHARGE. The Club will take care of the charges. JinXin and Jim will be sending out the invoice.  Barb reminded everyone that next week is the competition.  Join if you can.

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement and flag salute.

Our President Barb introduced the Toastmaster.  

Our Toastmaster was JinXin with the theme “Happy Year of Ox” 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Barb

Word of the day - Determination - Jim, JinXin, Glenn, and Warren used the word today

Ah Counter -  Barb

Timer - Jim

General Evaluator - Jean

Our 1st Speaker was Mara with her speech entitled “Inspiration for The Little Books Of Big Business”. She’s working on her Engaging Humor Pathway; Level 3, Elective “Using Presentation Software” (5-7 mins)

Our 2nd Speaker was Warren with his speech entitled “View the Glass Half Full: Adapting to COVID19 during 2021”. He’s working on his Presentation Mastery Pathway; Level 4, Elective “Manage online Webinar” (8-10 mins)

Our Evaluators were Lynne (evaluating Mara) and Giri (evaluating Warren)

Our Table Topic Master was RobertHe had each Table Topic speaker listen to a 30-second music clip and tell us how it stimulated or moved them. It was such a fun, different, and great table topic. It reminds us how powerful music can be.

Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Glenn, at first, the music came across as a children's song. Then when the singer came on, it felt more like jazz. Song felt playful and he enjoyed it.

Jim, the musical instrument quickly changed to a voice instrument (as one). His mind drifted off like he’s sailing or skateboarding without noise. 

Members in Attendance were Barb, Jean, Jim, Warren, Lynne, Midori, Mara, Kameh, Lynn, Glenn, Giri, Robert, JinXin

Guest(s) in Attendance: Kristin Gulledge (new), Hannah Del Carlo (back) 

Motion to Adjourn,



Monday, February 15, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Meeting Minutes - February 9, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - February 9, 2021

Announcement: It has been decided during the Officer Meeting earlier today that the evaluators will also be recorded. A copy of the recorded evaluation will be sent to the speaker as well as the evaluator. This would be a great learning tool for both the speaker and evaluator. Barb asked the members if there were any objections and there were none. 

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement and flag salute.

Our President Barb introduced the Toastmaster.  

Our Toastmaster was Lynne with the theme “Be My Valentine!!!” 

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Kameh

Word of the day - Fondness - Jean, Lynn, Glenn, Lynne, Warren, and Mara used the word today

Ah Counter - Glenn

Timer - Kate

General Evaluator - Jim

Our 1sr Speaker was Giri with his speech entitled “Boost Your Mojo”. He’s working on his Motivational Strategies Path; Project #3 “Inspire Your Audience” (5-7 mins)

Our 2nd Speaker was Mara with her speech entitled “Introducing Myself Through Stories”. She’s working on her Engaging Humor Path, Level 3 “Connect with Storytelling” (8-10 mins)

Our Evaluators were Jean (evaluating Giri) and Warren (evaluating Mara)

Our Table Topic Master was Lynn C.  

Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Barb, Can you tell us your most memorable Valentine experience? Shortly after she met Robert, it was Valentine’s Day. She had a lot of thoughts in her head about whether she should buy a gift or not, whether he expects a gift, etc. Robert made it easy. He was all about being yourself.

Robert, What would be your ideal Valentine Day date? Dinner at Snoquamie Fall restaurant. He would pre-order a fire dessert to share with Barb.

Midori, What gift would you give yourself? She would give herself chocolate. In Japan, women would buy themselves chocolate and in March men would buy cookies.

Glenn, What is your favorite Valentine gift or gift you would like to receive? His favorite gift he received was a kindle. He has used it a lot since.

Members in Attendance were Barb, Jean, Jim, Warren, Lynne, Kate, Midori, Mara, Kameh, Lynn, Glenn, Giri, Robert

Guest(s) in Attendance: None today

Motion to Adjourn,



Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Meeting Minutes - February 2, 2021

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - February 2, 2021

Announcement: Who is interested in the speech competition at the club level? If you are interested, please contact our VOE Nancy or your mentor.  If there is a competition, it will be on 2/23Nancy will be moving in a couple of weeks, if any of the Officers would be willing to take on the role of organizing and hosting it, please let her know.

We would like to also wish Lynne D. a very Happy Birthday

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement and flag salute.

Our Temp President, Nancy, welcomed our guests and introduced the Toastmaster.  

Our Toastmaster was Kate with the theme “Groundhog Day”

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Lynne

Word of the day - Anticipation - Lynne, Giri, Glenn, Jim, Kate, Warren, Mara, and Midori used the word today

Ah Counter - Kameh

Timer - Midori

General Evaluator - Giri

Our 1sr Speaker was Glenn with his speech entitled “Bruce Lee: Not Enough Recognition”. He’s working on his Presentation Mastery Path, Level 1 (5-7 mins)

Our 2nd Speaker was Jean with her speech entitled “The Perfect Nun”. She’s working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Level 1 (8-10 mins)

Our Evaluators were Jim (evaluating Glenn) and Mara (evaluating Jean)

Our Table Topic Master was Warren.  

Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Robert, you are a groundhog, you are about 47% accurate. There’s this dog that’s going to take you out and you need to have a conversation with the dog to not eat you. Maybe the dog can meet him on the other side of the tunnel. The reason for being 47% accurate is because of his ancestors (blame them). To make the grass grow better, what’s underneath grows on top. 

Nancy, if you were an animal, what animal and why? Mallard Duck. Growing up in PA the duck would come in and it was so cool.  Her brother gave her a duck and she raised it like she was the duck’s mama. The duck eventually grew up and flew away. She loves how they look at you.

Jim, favorite smartphone app, and why? He hates apps. They always try to sell you something or get you to do something. He just wants to talk on his phone. He would like a Mute Button App for TV to block commercials and the noise. Apple sometimes puts apps in and he just knocks it off.

Member in Attendance was Barb, Jean, Jim, Warren, Lynne, Kate, Midori, Mara, Kameh, Lynn, Nancy, Glenn

Guest(s) in Attendance was Carolina (new), Hannah (back)

Motion to Adjourn, Jim called first, Kate seconded it.



Officers’ Minutes - January 5, 2021

 Officers’ Minutes - January 5, 2021

Attendees: Barb, Nancy, Kate, Jim, Lynne, Mara, Lynn

Barb had the minutes from December 2020 approved.

Officer Reports with Discussion:

Officer Reports:

  • VP Education (VPE): Nancy

  • VP Membership (VPM): Kate

  • VP Public Relations (VPPR): Mara

  • Secretary: Lynn C & Jean

  • Treasurer: Jim & Jinxin

  • Sergeant at Arms (SAA): Lynne D


  • Nancy reminded all the officers about the Officer Training.  An email was sent out with all the dates.  All officers need to complete at least 1 training. So far only Jim has completed his training.

  • Kate sent our zoom meeting link to 8 guests showing interest in visiting. She has sent out the application to 3 people. She normally sends the visitors our Agenda and link to our Zoom meeting when they RSVP.  Jim has not received any applications yet.  Mara asked Kate for that email she normally sends out so that she can send it to those that are interested and reached out through Facebook.

  • Mara posted on Facebook a Welcome to 2021 post welcoming people to join our team. She is experienced in this role because she’s done it before. 

  • Lynn is new to the Secretary role and has reached out to Nancy to understand this role better and what is expected of her.  Jean (our former Secretary) was also very helpful in providing examples of Meeting Minutes and Officer Minutes as well as explaining the role.

  • Jim noticed a charge of $200 in our club account.  He will try to find out what this charge is for.  The total balance we have in our account right now is $743.38.  Barb confirmed she did not make any charges.

  • Lynne, when she reached out to acknowledge ISO for the use of their room in 2020 she discovered that our contacts at ISO are no longer there.  She made contact with the office manager and we are welcome to return and use their room when things open up again.  We typically give gift cards as a thank you and will plan on doing that again next year.  

New Business

1. Holiday Celebration - Nancy has a White Elephant idea and would like to move it to the last meeting in January. Nancy will be absent on Jan 12th.

2. Membership Campaign - Mara spoke in regards to progress on FaceBook Live Team - currently, the team has not added much due to the holidays.  She was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea to record Table Topics and post on Facebook as well as post a recording of Midori’s Ice Breaker speech about not speaking English well. Midori’s speech was so well done and the topic might help attract people. Kate being VPM and Mara being VPPR has decided to get together to work on membership campaigning.

3.Toastmaster of the Year Award for our club - we normally award 1 person each year who contributes the most. Mara suggested an award party at the end of June. The last week of July was also mentioned.  Barb likes this idea and will plan something.

4.  Awards for members - brainstorming ideas for how to award people. 

  • Jim, when someone completes a path, the club pays $20 for them when they apply for a new path. Nancy reminded us that it’s free until March 2021 right now.

  • Mara suggests we reward people when they finish their speech and small stuff.  We can tip a hat, all wear a certain color, or snap fingers.

  • Nancy currently announces and shares the certificate to the group during our meeting when someone completes their path.  She then emails the certificate to the person. 

  • Kate likes the hat visual idea

  • Nancy suggest secretary put the announcement at the top of the Meeting Minutes

  • In the end, we concluded that when someone finishes a LEVEL, we give props by Finger Pointing and will have a clip of fireworks shared on the screen. When someone completes their Ice Breaker speech, they get a certificate and finger snaps.


Mara motion for the meeting to adjourn. Jim seconded it.

Public Speaking Northwest Meeting Minutes - January 26, 2021

 Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters

Meeting Minutes - January 26, 2021

Announcement: Our club will have a competition coming up. The speech can be on anything between 5 - 7 minutes long.  Evaluator competition will be competing against each other. 

There’s a competition at the Club Level, Division Level, District Level, and International Level.

There will be an Officer Meeting next week and they will find a date.

Mentor Pledge -  Kate pledges to be Kameh’s mentor and we all pledge to help. We’re all so happy Kameh is officially a member.

Our Sergeant at Arms, Lynne, promptly opened the meeting on time with our mission statement and flag salute

Our President, Barb, welcomed our guests and introduced the Toastmaster.  Our guest today was John Brandy.

Our Toastmaster was Jean with the theme “Snowflakes”

Our GATE Team was:

Grammarian - Lynne

Word of the day - Unique - Lynne, Barb, Nancy, Jim, Lynn, Mara, and Jean used the word today

Ah Counter - Lynne

Timer - Kate

General Evaluator - Mara

Our 1sr Speaker was Lynn with her speech entitled “Lynn’s Secret”. She’s working on her Presentation Mastery Path, doing her first Ice Breaker speech (4-6 mins)

Our 2nd Speaker was Nancy with her speech entitled “Jumping to Conclusions”. She’s working on her Presentation Mastery Path, Which Speech, Project 2 (5-7 mins)

Our Evaluators were Warren (evaluating Lynn) and Barb (evaluating Nancy)

Our Table Topic Master was Jim.  

Our Table Topic Speakers were:

Glenn, what sport involving snow would you be willing to take up? Being Hawaiian, snow is foreign to him. He’ll be falling down and holding onto the ring on ice skates and will become a ski pretzel skiing. Snow and Glenn don’t get along.

Midori, 1” or 6” of snow or 1” or 6” of rain? She picks 6” of snow over rain if she can stay at home. Snow is fun for her son, looks beautiful, and her dog likes playing in it.

Mara, make a case for or against golfers playing in the snow if they use black golf balls. She didn’t realize how expensive golf is. The Bothell course had goose poop all over when she was there and her husband got stung. She doesn’t get golf.  She thinks snow on the golf course would be a great idea.

Member in Attendance was Barb, Jean, Jim, Warren, Lynne, Kate, Midori, Mara, Kameh, Lynn, Nancy, Glenn

Guest(s) in Attendance was John Brandy

Motion to Adjourn

