Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes 8.25.2020


Here’s How to Speak, Be Heard and Applauded – Join Toastmasters

Announcements:  1. Toastmasters International Educational Talks and Speech Contests Are Online.

2. Make sure you submit each Pathways Level you accomplish to get your well-deserved credit.


Our Meeting Toastmaster: Kate


Our President Pro-Tem: Nancy


Our Gate Team was:


Grammarian and Word of the Day  Lucelly/Gabby - Reinforcement

Ah Counter – Jinxin

Timer – Jim

General Evaluator – Jean


Our 1st Speaker – Giri’s Title - Ponder, Purpose, Prepare, Practice – 4 Pillars to Powerful Presentations told exactly what he was going to share. Giri delivered. His talk was filled with stories, suggestions, and picture words.


Our 2nd Speaker – Giri conducted an effective discussion. He asked members to share how they prepared for their presentations. Many helpful ideas were discussed.


Our 1st Evaluator – Robert complimented Giri on using alliteration in his title the reticular activating system in his talk.  He suggested Giri make a “bumper sticker review” at the end.


Our 2nd Evaluator – Robert’s comments were included in his overall evaluation.


Our Table Topics Master –1. Nancy asked Lynne what subject she’d enjoy as an expert. Lynne would like to be a clown because she could pull tricks on people without them knowing her identity.

2. Nancy asked Glenn what career change he’d like. Glenn, being a graphic designer, is now learning to be a writer.

2. Nancy asked Warren if he’d like to go into outer space. Warren told us, even though he fears heights, he’d risk it because he’d get a new perspective on how small we are and how vast the world is.


General Evaluator – Jean evaluated the meeting as a whole and found, it to be fun, interesting, and educational.


Our Members in Attendance –Lynne, Nancy, Jim, Kate, Jinxin, Warren, Robert, Lucelly, Giri, Jean


Our Guests in Attendance – Glenn, Gabby


Motion to Adjourn - Jim     Second - Kate


Your Secretary,


Jean Tracy, DTM




Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes 8-18-2020


“How to Speak to Groups and Love It – Join Toastmasters”  JT

Each Tuesday we meet at twelve noon. Please join us on Zoom!

 Our Meeting Toastmaster: Jean - her theme was Sign of Leo


Our President: Barb welcomed our guest, Ben.


Our Gate Team was:


Grammarian and Word of the Day  Barb – her word for us to use was usurp.


Ah Counter – Barb also filled this role.


Timer – Kate, who kept us on task. None of us went overtime or undertime.


General Evaluator – Lynne, who highlighted our timeliness, performance of roles, and commented on the evaluators.


Our 1st Speaker – Lucelly delivered a speech from the Planning Innovation Pathway, Entitled, “The Differences Between Authority, Mentorship, Leadership and Lucelly’s Style.” 


Our 2nd Speaker – Jean stepped outside Pathways and delivered a “how-to” talk, “How to Craft Super Titles and Get Noticed.” She engaged the audience in generating titles.


Our1st Evaluator – Giri called our Lucelly’s liveliness as one of her strongest speaking assets and made suggestions for enhancing her future talks.


Our 2nd Evaluator – Nancy highlighted Jean’s focus on the importance and power of titles while adding several suggestions for improving her presentation.


Our Table Topics Master – Warren stole the show by calling out members (Giri, Robert, and Mara) to describe the personalities resident within keys on the computer keyboard.


Our Members in Attendance – Barb, Nancy, Lynne, Mara, Robert, Giri, Kate, Lucelly, Jim, Warren, Jinxin, Jean


Our Returning Guest in Attendance – Ben


Your Secretary,


Jim Tracy, DTM – Standing in for Jean


Friday, August 14, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes 8.11.2020



“Toastmasters makes sense so don’t be tense. Come speak and lead with confidence.“ JT

 Each Tuesday we meet at twelve noon. Please join us on Zoom!

 Announcements:  Lucelly was inducted into our club again. Jean will be her mentor.


Our Meeting Toastmaster: Nancy - her theme was Texas -Nancy shared many interesting facts about Texas. Many facts made us laugh.


Our President: Barb welcomed our guest, Ben.


Our Gate Team was:


Grammarian and Word of the Day  Lynnher word for us to use – ‘inconceivable.’

Ah Counter – Lynn who helped us by counting our ah’s and ums. We’ll try to avoid them.

Timer – Barb, who kept us on track. None of us went overtime or undertime.

General Evaluator – Mara, whose meeting evaluation was very encouraging.


Our 1st Speaker – Robert gave his Ice breaker and shared  funny stories about an algebra student of his and a nurse who passed her math exam to become an RN. This was one of Robert’s great talks.


Our 2nd Speaker – Giri told 4 fascinating stories to help us learn “Flow.’ His motivating points included 1. Acting and 2. Acting at the right time. He show how doing so stopped ‘Decision Fatigue.’


Our1st Evaluator – Lucelly gave a positive evaluation which demonstrated the fine points in Robert’s talk.


Our 2nd Evaluator – Jean also gave Giri a positive evaluation adding 2 points for challenging himself.


Our Table Topics Master – Kate gave a fun ‘on the spot’ question to Warren who wanted to live in the suburbs with enough land for planting a crop. Hana chose to live near beaches because they remind her of her home in Viet Nam. Ben’s favorite sport is soccer, which he played in Scotland.


Our Members in Attendance – Barb, Nancy, Lynn, Mara, Robert, Giri, Kate, Lucelly, Jim, Warren, Hana, Jean


Our Guests in Attendance – Ben


Your Secretary,


Jean Tracy, DTM

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Public Speaking Northwest Minutes - 08.04.2020

“Toastmasters grow in self-esteem and build their clubs into strong teams.”  - JT

Announcements:  Our District 2 and Toastmasters International have started an alliance with some Rotary Clubs. This could mean more membership and collaboration for both organizations. More to come…

 Our President: Barb Katz

 Today’s Toastmaster: Barb Katz – Theme: “Zoom Celebrations”

 Our Gate Team: 

Grammarian and Word of the Day  Lisa, our guest, chose “Propose”

Ah Counter – Lisa listened well and told us who used ‘propose’ and who used ‘ahs, ums, and filler words. Members did well in using ‘propose’ and overcoming the use of filler words.

Timer – Kate found that most of us kept within our time limits.

General Evaluator – Jean complimented the team from beginning to end.

 Our 1st Speaker – Giri gave an inspirational speech, ‘The Diamond Principle.’ He structured his talk using 4 C’s – Commitment, Conviction, Curiosity, and Compassion. Besides the 4C acronym, his Giri spiced his talk with short stories, facts, and positive advice.

 Our 2nd Speaker – Lucelly spoke about ‘The Problem with Mindfulness.” She told us 47% of people think about what isn’t going on. Our wandering minds is the culprit. We need to stay in the moment more often. If we practice staying in the moment, it will grow stronger and we will be happier.

 Our 1st Evaluator – Robert felt it was a privilege to evaluate Giri’s talk because Giri is so accomplished as a speaker. He noted Giri’s expressive face and gestures. Robert also gave Giri some suggestions to make his talk even better.

 Our 2nd Evaluator – Nancy praised Lucelly for her interesting facts and great graphics. Nancy noted Lucelly’s joyful heart flowing throughout her speech. Nancy added a few suggestions. Lucelly’s window blinds were open letting too much light through. She suggested closing them since we are on zoom and turning on a light instead.

 Our Table Topics Master – Lynn, as Table Topics Master, asked Craig, our guest, who he’d like to take on vacation. Because his companion had to be a famous person, he chose Michelle Obama. She also asked Spenser, another guest, where he’d like to go on vacation. Spenser chose a waterfall in Northern California since it is spectacularly beautiful. They succeeded speaking at least 2 minutes.

 Our Members in Attendance – Lucelly, Nancy, Barb, Kate, Lynn, Giri, Robert, Mara, Warren, Jinxin, Jean

 Our Guests in Attendance – Lisa, Craig, Spenser

 Motion to Adjourn - Nancy     Second - Kate

 Your Secretary,

 Jean Tracy, DTM