Sunday, May 31, 2020

May 26, 2020 Public Speaking Northwest Meeting Minutes

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes
May 26, 2020

1.    Adilene’s official membership in our club starts next week!
2.    We are in need of a Secretary for the club officers. It is a 6 month term starting July 1.
3.    One of our former members, Emery Jordan, passed away recently. He will be missed.

Our Meeting Toastmaster was Nancy with the theme National Paper Airplane Day.

Our President Jean opened our meeting.

Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian Adilene (stepping in for a member who could not attend)
Word of the day: Marvel
Ah Counter – Jutta
Timer - Kate
General Evaluator – Jean

Our Speakers were Warren with Let Your Team Build the Solution and Lynne with The Wake-up Call.

Our Evaluators were Jim and Robert.

Our Table Topics Master was Hana..

Our Table Topic Speakers were Robert, about time travel, and Adilene, about the American dream.

Our Humorist was Robert.

Our Members in Attendance were Lynne, Jean, Nancy, Jutta, Kate, Warren, Hana, Jim, and Robert.  

Our Guests in Attendance Satya and Adilene

Motion to Adjourn: Jim      Second: Robert

May 19, 2020 Public Speaking Northwest Meeting Minutes

Public Speaking Northwest Toastmasters
Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2020

Our Toastmaster was Lynne and her theme was Forty Years Ago. It was the year of Mt. St. Helen’s eruption and the introduction of the Rubik’s Cube and Post-it notes.

Our President Jean opened our meeting.

Our Gate Team was:
Grammarian - Jutta
Ah Counter – Hana (She is a shiny new member and it was her first role!)
Timer - Jim
General Evaluator – Jim (doing double duty)

Our Speakers were John with Now is the Time and Kate with Blowing in the Wind: The Puget Sound Convergence Zone.

Our Evaluators were Jean and Warren

Our Table Topics Master was Nancy with events from 1980, like the 109-mile traffic jam in France, the release of movies Friday the 13th and the Shining, and Snow in Florida in March and 60 degrees in Boston in December.

Our Table Topic Speakers were Robert, Warren and Hana.

Our Humorist was Warren.

1.    Kate will be our VP of membership candidate when we have elections at the end of June.
2.    We are in need of a secretary and a treasurer by that time.

Members in Attendance were Lynne, Jean, Jim, Jutta, Hana, John, Kate, Warren, Nancy, Robert, and Jinxin.

Guests in Attendance Satya and Adilene

Motion to Adjourn: Nancy C      Second: Jim