Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 25, 2016 - Theme: Urban Adventures

Urban Adventures

Barb was the Toastmaster for the day and the theme was Urban Adventures. Barb and her husband, Robert, have gone on many urban explorations and she showed us how you can create interesting adventures anywhere and any time.     

We started off the meeting with Amritha calling on our newest members and inviting their mentors to be part of a welcoming ceremony!
New members and mentors

Our first speaker was Anton who gave his Ice Breaker speech. Anton shared his experience as a child in Romania and his love of the libraries there. We also learned why he loves math. Even those of us who don't love math gained a new appreciation for it!


Our second speaker was Jung. Her speech was entitled "National Park," and she began it by singing, "America the Beautiful." She had everyone's full attention! She continued by sharing her deep love of our national parks and her work as a park volunteer. Jung provided a snapshot of where the national parks are located, their historical beginnings and more. Jung won best speaker. 


Our third speaker was Warren. His speech was entitled, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together." Using the unique approach of acting out a scenario, Warren showed us how to invite others to explore Toastmasters in a natural and effective way. Julie assisted in the scenario as the invitee. 
Warren and Julie

Our evaluators for the day were: Randy, Anisha and Amritha.  
Our Table Topics theme 
was "Reacting to Things We See," led by Robert and the participants were: Amritha, Janet and Lynne

The General Evaluator for this meeting was Kathy. The Timer was Jean, the Ah Counter was Julie and the Grammarian was Nancy.

In attendance were Attendance: Amritha, Anisha, Anton, Barb, Grace,  Janet, Jim, Julie, Jung, Kathy, Lynne, Mercedes, Nancy C, Nancy L,  Randy, Robert,  and Warren. We had one guest.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy LaJambe, Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406

Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 18, 2016 - Theme: Stormy Weather

Stormy Weather

Jim was the Toastmaster for the day and the topic was quite timely following a regional scare about typhoon-like weather! 
Jim was especially focused on keeping the meeting flowing and on time in order to create as much time as possible for Table Topics. No surprise from this master Toastmaster. He was successful!


Our first speaker was Randy. His speech was entitled "The Elephant in the Room," and he engaged us with an descriptive and instructional talk on "white elephant" parties. His use of props added humor and fun!




Our second speaker was Nidhi, one of our newest members, with her Ice Breaker speech, "Finding My Voice". Nidhi shared her childhood perspective and memories with us and why she was drawn to Toastmasters. Her warm and personal style drew us all in. Nidhi won best speaker!


Our third speaker was Amritha and her speech was titled, "Me, My Children and Potatoes." Amritha charmed us with her humorous speech on how she came to dislike potatoes and the day her children discovered and reveled in French fries, much to her dismay. 



Our evaluators for the day were: Tobias, Julie and Barb.

Our Table Topics theme 
was "Your Bucket List" and participants were: Warren, Nancy C., Uliana, Anton, Dan and Tobias. Nancy C. won Table Topics!

The General Evaluator for this meeting was Jean. 

In attendance were Amritha, Anton, Barb, Dan, Grace, Jean, Jim, Julie, Jung, Lynne, Nancy C., Nancy L., Nidha, Randy, Robert, Tobias, Uliana and Warren.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy LaJambe, Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406

Saturday, October 15, 2016

October 11, 2016 Theme - Fun & Games

Fun and Games

Nancy was the Toastmaster for the day and she started our meeting with music and funky glasses and hat. During the meeting we tossed spongy balls and danced to the Twist by Chubby Checker in the spirit of having fun, being playful and stepping outside our comfort zones. 

Our first speaker was Jim. His speech was entitled "Faith, Doubt, Mystery: A Catholic Journey," and he read us the prologue from his own, published book. He drew us into this monodrama with the thoughtful topic and vocal variety.


Our second speaker was Tobias. His humorous speech was entitled, "Merging in Traffic: Just Make a Decision," and he regaled us with stories of driving and his indecisive nemeses on the road. Tobias won Best Speaker of the day.

Randy got into the spirit of fun by standing on his chair to introduce himself as the Timer for the day and what his role meant for the meeting.


Jean and Amritha were our evaluators, Warren was our Master of Table Topics and Julie was our Humorist.

In attendance were Amritha, Anton, Barb, Jean, Jim, Julie, Jung, Lynne, Nancy L., Nidhi, Pauline, Randy, Robert, Tobias, Uliana and Warren. We had five honored guests!

Respectfully submitted,
Nancy LaJambe, Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406