Lynne |
From May to December
But the days grow short,
When you reach September.
When the autumn weather
Turn leaves to flame
One hasn't got time
For the waiting game."
"September Song" - Songwriters: Kurt Weill / Maxwell AndersonSeptember Song lyrics © T.R.O. Inc.
Lynne was the Toastmaster for the day and gets us started with our September Song themed meeting!
Randy |
Our second speaker was Jung. Her speech was entitled, "This Summer," and she told the story of her summer experience of visiting friends and relatives and how her efforts to provide a wonderful time for them resulted in her gratitude for the simple gift of her hands. Jung won Best Speaker of the day.
Jung |
Our final speaker was Julie. Her speech was entitled, "How to Get Over Most Any Fear," and using the analogy of a spider web, Julie shared information and ideas on how we can all move through things that scare us.
Julie |
Table Topics is always a favorite activity of our club! Jean led us in a fun challenge of answering humorous questions. Grace, Warren, Jim, Uliana, Janet and Nancy participated. The winner was Jim.
Jean |
Robert was our Humorist and Jim was our General Evaluator.
In attendance were Amritha, Barb, Grace, Janet, Jean, Jim, Julie, Jung, Lynne, Nancy, Pauline, Randy, Robert, Uliana and Warren.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy LaJambe, Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406