“Better the rule of One, whom all obey, than to let clamorous demagogues betray our freedom with the kiss of anarchy.”~~ Oscar Wilde
Welcome to our second meeting in August!
Barb was the toastmaster of the day. Her GAT(e) team comprised of the Grammarian – Robert (pithy); Ah-Counter - Pauline; and Timer - Diana.
Through her talk, Jung shed light on the fact that a person's perspective makes a huge difference in his/her life. While one may view a circumstance as disempowering or feel that they are being taken advantage of, another with a positive perspective views the bright side of the same situation. Jung reinforced her point by enacting 2 stories in a very engaging manner. For her inspiring talk, Jung was voted the best speaker!

Our second speaker of the day was Jim. He spoke from the Advanced Communication Manual "Humorously Speaking" Project 1 - Warm up the Audience. Through his talk entitled "Aging is Funny", Jim walked us through the 3 different dictionary meanings of the word funny and how it relates to aging in his opinion. His talk was continuously woven with humor also taking into account how the world views aging today.

Our Table Topics master was our Linda. This was her last meeting before she moves to California where she will be taking up her new job. OUR BEST WISHES TO YOU LINDA!
As the topics master, she brought some items very dear to her in a box. She had the topics speaker pick up one item and sell it to the audience. Speakers included Tobias, Warren, Dan and Jean. Each of them had a unique way of selling which filled the room with laughter. For his funny and interactive selling campaign, Tobias was voted the best in this category.
As the humorist, Diana shared with us few humorous
instances from her life revolving around her family.
After the meeting was officially dismissed, members and guests sat down to listen to Amritha’s 9-year-old daughter, Shreya present her prepared speech. She was given this opportunity since she was inspired by members of our club and expressed interest to speak. Since technically she cannot be a member (due to age restrictions), the club officers came up with a work-around – they listened to her talk after the meeting concluded.
Shreya spoke for about 3 minutes about all the fun she has been having this summer vacation. From her narration, we could make out that the neighborhood she lives in is a really fun place to be with lots of kids to play. In addition, all families come together to celebrate Independence Day and have special movie nights every once in a while. It was a delight to hear her speak!
If you are looking for a safe and supportive place to allow your children to explore the world of public speaking, please know that there are Gavel clubs. They are a part of Toastmasters Youth program. These clubs follow a similar structure as Toastmaster club and is specifically for young children below 17 years of age. For those of you interested, you can find more details here: http://d2.toastmastersdistricts.org/Youth_Programs___Gavel_Clubs_.html. Shreya has plans to visit one with her mom soon!
There were 14 members in attendance, including Amritha, Barb, Dan, Diana, Jean, Jim, Julie, Jung, Kathy, Linda, Pauline, Robert, Tobias and Warren.
Our 4 guests of the day were: Elijah, Frances Ann, Shreya K. and Yash K.
Respectfully Submitted,
Amritha Imandi, Acting Secretary
Public Speaking Northwest #9406