Kate was our Toastmaster today. She chose Summer Fun as the theme. She shared many of the fun and often free activities that happen around the Northwest in the Summer. Kate passed out copies of the Seafair activities plus showed us how to get lists of free summer concerts and farmer's markets. Follow her lead and you are bound to have a fun filled summer.

Barb was our first speaker today. She completed project #4 in the Humorously Speaking manual. The title of her talk was My New Hobby. Barb discussed the process she went through to find a new hobby. She wanted a hobby that would require shopping and be productive. She finally decided to make doilies. She learned of a woman who made a doily every time she felt like arguing with her husband. Barb thought she could make a fortune when she envisioned selling all the doilies she would need to make. Please note, this does not give Barb justice. Her presentation was hilarious and entertaining!

Linda was our second speaker. She completed project #7 in the CC manual. Linda talked about her favorite new exercise class called Zumba. Linda explained that Zumba is not only fun, but also an efficient workout. Zumba is described as a big dance party. The benefits of Zumba include improved cardio and coordination. On average,Zumba classes. Zumba makes the world a better place because it improves peoples mood and helps them relax.
participants burn 369 calories per class. This makes it a great workout for weight loss. Twelve million people around the world have participated in
Welcome to our newest member Anna! She came as a guest and decided to join us. Whether you want to join our club or just visit, know that guests are always welcome.