The Party Table! |
Our January 15 meeting was a Post-Holiday White Elephant Party. Going completely in Table Topics format, upon opening our White Elephant gifts, we each used our two minutes (and communication skills) to explain why this was our best gift ever.
Jean and Jerry |
Toastmaster Jerry |
Eugene and Jerry |
While we selected our numbers from Jerry, we also filled our plates at the holiday-themed food table. It's just not a party without adequate snacks.
Refreshments! |
It was pot-luck today with everyone contributing to the bounty.
Assorted party shots follow:
Does Pierce want the gift Juliet is choosing? |
Pierce likes his own gift best. |
Barb's Teddy Bear Pyramid |
Jamie begins his talk while unwrapping. |
Elaine's stylish shades |
Robert stole his gift. |
Lucky Eugene went first and last. |
Cindy |
Cindy proves that a good time was had by all.
Our Photographer of the Day:
Mihaela |
She worried that her "best gift ever" might be stolen, but she did not have to turn it over and got to take home the game ball.
News You Can Use:
Our club inspirational and evaluation contests will be held on February 26th.
If you'd like to join us for polishing your presentations, developing leadership skills, and making friends, we welcome you.
We meet every Tuesday from noon to 1:00 PM. You'll find us at the Seattle Times Building in Bothell, Washington ~ 19200 120th Avenue NE. Feel free to bring your lunch.
To find out more contact: Jean Tracy, JeanTracy@KidsDiscuss.com, 425.745.0022.
Respectfully submitted,