The theme for today's meeting was "Go Hawks". Jerry our Toastmaster shared many interesting facts about the Seahawks. We learned that several of us are proud to be on the "12th Man" team. Jerry challenged us with many questions about our beloved Hawks. Lynne, our Sargent At Arms knew 99% of the answers. We had several absentees and a few last minute cancellations, but Jerry ran the meeting with skill and grace.

Our first speaker cancelled at the last minute due to illness, so Jerry asked Robert to fill in. Robert shared with us the humorous presentation he will make at tonight's Area Contest. Robert did a fantastic job! The presentation highlighted Robert's wonderful sense of humor and his love for his daughters. We did a "round robin" for Robert's evaluation. Seeing the improvement Robert. has made with this presentation, makes us confident he will do well tonight. Good luck Robert!
Matt was our second speaker. His talk was tittled "The Conversation Stack Up." This was speech #2 from the Competent Communication's Manual. Matt immediately engaged the audience when he asked if we have ever been in a situation where we are trying to get to know someone and the conversation just stalls? Matt gave us eight simple things to learn to keep a conversation flowing. They include:

1. Learning the person's name and how to pronounce it correctly
2. Learning where they live
3. Learning about their family
4. Learning about their work
5. Learning about their travels and vacations
6. Learning about their hobbies and favorite forms of entertainment
7. Learning about their dreams and aspirations.
8. Conclude every new conversation with thanking the person for sharing with you.
Thank you Matt for this wonderful presentation. We all learned ways to engage others in conversations.
Come join our conversation at next week's meeting. You'll be surprised by what you can learn! Guests are always welcome.