Our toastmaster theme, friendship, agrees with the words of
Albert Camus ~
“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front
of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
Barb, our president, opened the meeting with John, Jan Z.,
Jan S., Yanhong, Barbara, Cindy, Jamie, Juliet, Cary, Ana, Ken, Emery, Kate, Mihaela,
Prema, Lynne, and Jean in attendance.
As the toastmaster of the day, Barb announced that
“Friendship” would be our theme. She proceeded to share beautiful stories of
unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom, like the story of the leopard and
the cow.
Barb praised both
Cary and Kate for participating in the Area Toastmaster Contest. Both
improved significantly. Kate won the Table Topics Contest. Congratulations, Kate!
Jamie, our first
speaker, entitled his talk Quarters from Heaven. To the
surprise of his wife, Cindy, his presentation was about how she approaches life
with playfulness. “While Cindy enjoyed a double shot skinny latte,” said Jamie,
“she overheard a bored little 8-year-old with his dad and a friend.” His dad
said “No!” to the boys demand for a quarter.
The boy said, “Okay, I’m gonna ask somebody here in the mall
for a quarter.” His dad warned,
This is when Cindy began rolling quarters on the ground
toward the boy while she pretended to be on her cell phone. The boy didn’t
suspect Cindy as he exclaimed, “Dad, this place is magic! It’s raining quarters
Jamie encouraged us to approach our days with playfulness.
We just might make someone’s difficult day magical.
Thanks Jamie, even though you just had surgery and you were
hopping around on crutches, you thoroughly entertained us. What a great example
you are!
Cary evaluated Jamie
with praise. He told Jamie that he and his wife are very much like his own
mother and father. No wonder Cary is such a great guy!

As a nurse in a county hospital she’d just
finish her shift only to be asked to fill in for another nurse. Double shifts
and exhaustion became her life.
Juliet knew she had to say no or she’d burn out. She knew
Nancy Reagan would be disappointed in her. Juliet started reading a book
called, Boundaries. She learned that she felt responsible for others and that she needed
only to be responsible to
others by being kind and fulfilling her commitments to them.
She advised us to be alert if we fail to say “No!” because of our:
- Fear of hurting other’s feelings
- Fear of abandonment
- Fear of being selfish or feeling guilty
Juliet ended by having specific members of the audience ask
her to do things. Just like the advice in her talk, she just said, “No!”
Jamie evaluated
Juliet’s talk by telling her the many things he liked about her
presentation. He commended her for involving the audience in her speech.
Ana, our table topic
master, presented a colorful bag filled with curious objects. She
instructed us to pick out 2 objects at a time and show how they’re connected.
Cary chose a frog and a walnut. He talked about catching
"nutty" bull frogs with his friend Cameron.
Lynne pick out a Hawaiian dancer and a hamburger. The girl was hungry and just had to have a
burger and milk shake.

The Blue Ribbon
Winners Are:
Best Speaker: Juliet
Best Evaluator: Jamie
Best Table Topics: Cindy
Congratulations to all!
photographer was Lynne. Thank you Lynne!
If you'd like
to join us for polishing your presentations, developing leadership skills, and
making friends, we welcome you.
We meet every Tuesday from noon to 1:00 PM. You'll find
us at the Seattle Times Building in Bothell, Washington ~ 19200 120th Avenue
NE. Feel free to bring your lunch.
To find out more contact: Emery Jordan at: gejordan9@comcast.net
(206) 235-1356
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Tracy, DTM